How Do I Start Meditation Practice?

Believe or not, daily meditation will greatly help your inner peace. 20 minutes of meditation practice every day can effectively promote our physical and mental health. Regardless of whether you insist on it or not, regular meditation can make us understand through our busy life. This article will cover how to meditate and how to build your personal daily meditation habits.

Meditation: The art of peace of mind. Calmness is the ideal state we should have to meet all life experiences. When doing meditation, one must temporarily leave the real world. Turn off your phone, interrupt your fax machine, turn off your computer and all your electronic devices... Don't allow any interference during this special time. Thus, meditation is a perfect antidote to the constant interference of technology against our lives. Now, start your meditation journey.   

Where To Meditate

You can set a special corner of the room that is calm and peaceful as your private net, and in this corner, arrange some things or emblems that contain spiritual meanings to form a small altar or shrine. Using items that are easy to get you into a state of contemplation. You can also get some help from nature, for instance: stay at the beach and listen to the sound of waves hitting the rocks; walk through the lush forest trails and look up at the broad shades of church domes; stand by the creek and listen to waterfalls and the spring ticks on the rocks; or gaze at the moon rising, the birds flew overhead. Keep in mind, you can meditate anytime and anywhere.

What Pose Should Be Used When Meditate

Although the traditional posture that is sitting cross-legged and hands naturally hanging down the knee is generally used, it is better to find a posture that makes you sit comfortably. Resting poses like child’s pose and downward facing dog aren’t meant to be rushed. Child’s pose is ideal for turning your awareness inward while moving around in downward dog can help you feel all the sensations in your body.

 Should I Open Or Close Eyes When Meditate

Keeping your eyes open if possible makes all senses open. The purpose of meditation is not to fall asleep, but to find a state of relaxation for yourself, which is neither drowsy nor awake. Keep your eyes soft and gentle, that is, don't focus on anything and keep your mouth open slightly.

 How Long Should I Meditate

If you are new to meditation, I recommend starting slowly. Start with just 5 minutes each day and then rest for a minute. Gradually increase the time over several weeks.

If you are a senior, I recommend 20 minutes twice a day. No matter how long you meditate, but through meditation, is it brought you into a state of self-existence where you let go of yourself and communicate with your heart?

Whether it is prayer or meditation, it is good to arrange this habit at a fixed daily time.


The Benefits Of Meditation

Although you may not feel the flash of a flash of light when you are practicing meditation, its effects will show up after a while. You may notice that you are calm and unremarkable in the face of a crisis, or in a situation that usually causes you trouble. Believe in this process, let yourself let go of the expectation of achieving a certain result, you will gain something. The real mystery of meditation is that it not only affects your mind and emotions but also affects your body. And this transformation is healing, and even your cells are more enjoyable.

 How To Meditate:

  1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may want a meditation mat.
  2. Open or close your eyes. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe.
  3. Stay relaxed for a few minutes, then take a break. If you still want to practice meditation, you can do it a few more times.


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Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

qproamiigo November 11, 2020

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